1.1.2023 Infectious disease allowance

As of 1 January 2023, a decision issued by a doctor responsible for infectious disease control will be required to qualify for infectious disease allowance. Further, the application period for the allowance will be shortened from six to two months.

The temporary amendment to the Health Insurance Act, pertaining specifically to the infectious disease allowance, will cease to apply on 31.12.2022. As of 1 January 2023, a decision issued by a doctor responsible for infectious disease control will be required to qualify for infectious disease allowance. It will no longer be possible to qualify for infectious disease allowance on the basis of a certificate issued by some other doctor, nurse or public health nurse.

It will still be possible to make applications for infectious disease allowance in accordance with the temporary provisions even after that date on the condition that the absence from work due to an infectious disease and the resulting loss of income begin on or before 31 December 2022. This means that the application for infectious disease allowance can be accompanied by a certificate from a doctor, registered nurse or public health nurse practising in the public or private sector. The certificate must show a laboratory-verified COVID-19 infection verified by means of a PCR or antigen test and a recommendation to stay away from work to avoid spreading the infection. In such situations, applications for infectious disease allowance can be made retroactively for up to 6 months.

In order to qualify for infectious disease allowance if the absence from work due to an infectious disease and the resulting loss of income begin on 1 January 2023 or later, the applicant must submit a decision on absence from work, quarantine or isolation from the doctor responsible for infectious disease control in the wellbeing services county. In such situations, applications for infectious disease allowance can be made retroactively for up to 2 months.