TT Botnia Oy’s corporate restructuring as of 1 March 2023

As of 1 March 2023, the new subsidiary of TT Botnia Oy, YritysBotnia Oy, will start producing occupational health care services for corporate customers, associations and entrepreneurs operating in the TT Botnia market, and TT Botnia Oy will continue to provide occupational health care services for its owners that are municipalities or joint municipal authorities as previously.


The reason for dividing the company into parent company and subsidiary is the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts and its amendment that came into force on 1 January 2023 making the regulations more stringent than before.


The corporate restructuring does not entail any changes to the existing occupational health care service agreements or their content. The agreements on the provision of services will be transferred as such to YritysBotnia Oy and the services will continue through our subsidiary. In the future, we will continue to provide services in the same locations as before. Our new subsidiary will also give our corporate customers the opportunity to expand their contract in the future by adding medical services, if necessary.


Unless you notify us of the termination of your agreement by 1 March 2023, your contract will be deemed to have been transferred to our subsidiary YritysBotnia Oy. After that date, you can terminate the agreement in accordance with the terms of the agreement.


We ask that companies kindly note the following information on the agreement between TT Botnia Oy and the company in their system as of 1 March 2023


· new name: YritysBotnia Oy (CompanyBotnia Ltd)

· new business ID: 3296715-2

· new account number: FI09 5670 0820 4280 58

Please note that you will get the last invoice from TT Botnia Oy regarding the occupational health services you have used in February 2023 after the transition on 1 March 2023.


For matters relating to the transfer of the agreement, you can ask for additional information from


your designated occupational health nurse or CEO Timo Ylilauri, phone 044 796 6180 or e-mail


Best regards

TT Botnia Oy and YritysBotnia Oy